Saltwater Pool | Markham Location

Image of our Markham Indoor Salt Water Pool
Saltwater Pool, Markham, Mayfair Parkway
  • Located in Markham, our Mayfair Parkway location has a multi-lane, saltwater pool, that is open year round, 7 days a week.
  • New, modern Family/Universal changeroom featuring private shower stalls, bathrooms with child sized amenities, changing stalls and changing tables, cubbies and lockers now open.
  • If the day or time for the lesson you need is not offered, please contact us to see if we can accommodate you.
  • We follow the Lifesaving Society curriculum.
  • In the event that no other participant joins a group or semi-private lesson, the lesson will be converted to a private lesson and will be subject to private lesson pricing.
  • For more information about the Parkway program, email

Summer Program Registration

  • For our Summer Program, registration opens on the following timeline:
  • If your Child is a Mayfair Member:
  • You can register for Programs starting Thursday May 1st. The registration links will be sent out directly.
  • If your Child is a Current Program Participant & a Non-Member:
  • You can register starting Thursday 8th, 2025. The registration links will be sent out directly.
  • Registration for the General Public will open on Thursday May 15th, 2025. Links will be posted on the website below.

Report Cards Now Online

  • Convenience – view your child’s report at any time.
  • Progress – see your child’s progress as they complete each level.
  • Record of progressive report – both instructors and parents will always have a record of your child’s progressive report.
  • Reports are published online where they can be viewed anytime, and can’t be misplaced.
  • Parkway Report Cards 

Quick Links

Find the Right Level | Frequently Asked Questions | Program Disclaimers & Policies

Parkway Parents and Tots (Group)

Mother and baby in an indoor swimming pool.

Ages 4 – 36 Months

Pricing (9 Sessions):
Member: $366.03 (17% off)
Non-Member: $441

Spend quality time with your child while you both have fun and learn and socialize. Through structured in-water interaction between parent and child, we stress the importance of play in developing water-positive attitudes and skills. We provide Lifesaving Society Water Smart® tips on keeping your child safe in any aquatic setting.

Session Enrolment Dates

Session Date
Spring 2025April-JuneRegister (Saturdays | 30mins)
Spring 2025April-JuneRegister (Sundays | 30mins)

For more information, please contact Michael at

Parkway Swim Lessons (Group30/45 Minutes)

Group of kids in a pool waiting for instructions from the swim instructor.

Ages 3+

Pricing (9 Sessions):
Member: $366.03-$390.93(17% off)
Non-Member: $441-$471

We run Lifesaving Society programming focused on in-water practice to develop solid swimming strokes and lifesaving skills, all in a fun learning environment. Our motivating and qualified staff incorporate valuable Water Smart education that will last a lifetime! We have four seasonal sessions: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. We offer classes for all ages.

Session Enrolment Dates

Session Date
Spring 2025 (Group Preschool 1-Swimmer 6)April-JuneRegister (Wednesdays | 30mins)
Register (Thursdays | 30mins)
Spring 2025 (Group Preschool 1-Swimmer 6)April-JuneRegister (Mondays | 45mins)
Register (Wednesdays | 45mins)
Register (Saturdays | 45mins)
Register (Sundays | 45mins)

For more information, please contact Michael at

Parkway Swim Lessons (Semi-Private 30/45 Minutes)

Female swim instructor demonstrating the front crawl to two young boys in an indoor swimming pool.

Ages 3+

Pricing (9 Sessions):
Member: $382.63-$457.33 (17% off)
Non-Member: $461-$551

We run Lifesaving Society programming focused on in-water practice to develop solid swimming strokes and lifesaving skills, all in a fun learning environment. Our motivating and qualified staff incorporate valuable Water Smart education that will last a lifetime! We have four seasonal sessions: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. We offer classes for all ages.

Session Enrolment Dates

Session Date
Spring 2025 (Semi-Private Preschool 1-Swimmer 6)April-JuneRegister (Mondays | 30mins)
Register (Fridays | 30mins)
Register (Saturdays | 30mins)
Register (Sundays | 30mins)
Spring 2025 (Semi-Private Preschool 1-Swimmer 6)April-JuneRegister (Mondays | 45mins)
Register (Tuesdays | 45mins)
Register (Wednesdays | 45mins)
Register (Fridays | 45mins)
Register (Saturdays | 45mins)
Register (Sundays | 45mins)

For more information, please contact Michael at

Parkway Private Lessons

Image of a boy wearing swim googles, holding a flutter board, getting a swim lesson from a female instructor in an indoor pool.

Ages 4 Months +

Pricing (9 Sessions):
Member: $525.46-$559.86 (14% off)
Non-Member: $611-$651

We run Lifesaving Society programming focused on in-water practice to develop solid swimming  strokes and life saving skills, all in a fun learning environment. Our motivating and qualified staff incorporate valuable Water Smart education that will last a lifetime! We have 4 seasonal sessions: 
Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. We offer classes for all ages.

Session Enrolment Dates

Session Date
Spring (Private)April-JuneRegister (Mondays | 30mins)
Register (Tuesdays | 30mins)
Register (Wednesdays | 30mins)
Register (Thursdays | 30mins)
Register (Fridays | 30mins)
Register (Saturdays | 30mins)
Register (Sundays | 30mins)
Spring (Private)April-JuneRegister (Mondays | 45mins)
Register (Tuesdays | 45mins)
Register (Wednesdays | 45mins)
Register (Thursdays | 45mins)
Register (Fridays | 45mins)
Register (Saturdays | 45mins)
Register (Sundays | 45mins)

Private Lessons means that participants can select their preferred date and time for their lesson and our instructors will teach to the level required.

For more information, please contact Michael at

Parkway Rookie, Ranger, Star Patrol

Young girl in a swim suit smiling at the camera. She is waiting at the side of the pool and is in a swim lesson.

Ages 5+

Pricing (9 Sessions):
Member: $503.10 (14% off)
Non-Member: $585

The Swim Patrol provides enriched training for those who are ready to go beyond learn-to-swim. Swim Patrol’s three levels – Rookie, Ranger, and Star – continue to develop participants’ swim strokes and provide the skill foundation that prepares them for success in the Society’s Bronze medal awards.

Session Enrolment Dates

Session Date
Spring 2025April-JuneRegister (1 Hour)

For more information, please contact Michael at

Parkway Bronze Medallion & Emergency First Aid, Bronze Cross

Lifeguard assisting a young swimmer in a lifejacket in an indoor pool.

Ages 13+

Pricing (9 Sessions):
Member: $559 (14% off)
Non-Member: $650

Bronze Medallion teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles, embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness.
Pre-Requisites: Bronze Star (recommended). If candidate does not have Bronze Star, they must be 13 years old on the day of the exam.

Session Enrolment Dates

Session Date
Spring 2024 (Bronze Cross)April-JuneRegister
Spring 2024 (Bronze Medallion with First Aid)April-JuneRegister

For more information, please contact Michael at

Parkway Master Swim 18+

Image of an adult female doing the front crawl in an indoor pool.

Age 18 years +

Pricing (9 Sessions):
Member: $285 (25% off)
Non-Member: $380

This program is focused on developing strong and competitive stroke techniques. Classes will improve endurance and cardiovascular health, and are great for those looking to cross-train for another sport. Open to swimmers of all levels, from swimming for general health and enjoyment, to competition at local, national and international levels.

Session Enrolment Dates

Session Date
Spring 2025April-JuneRegister

For more information, please contact Michael at

Parkway Swim Team (Member Only)

Image of a group of young kids in an indoor swimming pool getting a swim lesson.

Age 5 years +

Fall Pricing (9 Sessions):
Member: $260

Swim Team is the perfect step for swimmers who have completed swimmer 4+ and wish to maintain their swim skills. Focus is put on strokes, relays, and endurance drills in a team environment.”

Session Enrolment Dates

Session Date
Coming Soon

For more information, please contact Michael at

Parkway Fitness Swimmer

Image of a group of kids in swim suits with their arms around each other. They are in an indoor pool sitting on the edge of the pool deck.

Age 5 years +

Fall Pricing (9 Sessions):
Member: $330 (25% off)
Non-Member: $440

For swimmers who want to improve their overall physical fitness in the water. Fitness Swimmer provides a structured approach based on accepted training principles and practices including interval training, sprints and distance swims. Candidates set their own goals to improve overall physical fitness

Session Enrolment Dates

Session Date
Coming Soon

For more information, please contact Michael at

Frequently Asked Questions 

Want more information?

Contact your nearest location for details:
Mayfair Lakeshore: (416) 466-3777
Mayfair West: (416) 638-1010
Mayfair Parkway: (905) 475-0350

Learn More about Kids Swimming Lessons Parkway