Mayfair Clubs Community Guide

We strive to create a welcoming environment for our Members & Guests

Welcome to our Member Community!

We believe that a thriving and respectful environment is essential for the enjoyment of all our members. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we’ve compiled a member guide. This guide outlines the principles and practices that contribute to a welcoming atmosphere. By adhering to these guidelines, we can collectively foster a community where every everyone feels valued, respected, and comfortable.  

Thank you for your commitment to creating an inclusive and enjoyable space for all at Mayfair Clubs! 

Member Etiquette & Club Booking Riles 

  • Proper Conduct – Respectful and courteous conduct is expected by all members, staff, contractors, vendors and guests. Aggressive and/or inappropriate conduct, including offensive/vulgar language directed towards any person in the club, will not be tolerated.
  • Hygiene – For health purposes and the consideration of others, general personal hygiene is expected. Please refrain from heavily scented perfumes, colognes, and lotions. 
  • Proper Attire – Members are required to wear appropriate clothing while in the facility. The general guidelines are gym or racquet shorts, T-shirts, jogging, aerobic and sweat outfits and closed-toed shoes are allowed. Members cannot be shirtless on the gym floor, the courts or in studio fitness classes. 
  • Proper Footwear – Appropriate footwear is expected. Working out in sandals, open-toed shoes or barefoot is not permitted. Shoes/sandals are required when walking throughout the club. 
  • Personal Property – We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items. 
  • Prohibited belongings – Alcohol not provided by Mayfair Clubs, weapons, and drugs are not permitted. 
  • Photography and Videography – For privacy reasons, all members must follow our photography and videography etiquette: 
    • Photos and videos are strictly forbidden in the changing rooms, saunas, and steam cabins. 
    • Personal photography and videography are limited to photos and videos of yourself and not to include other members, guests, team members or third-party workers under any circumstances unless prior consent has been given. 
    • You must be respectful and courteous to other members. 
    • You must never block exits, hallways, main walkways, or access to equipment. 
    • Use of lights or tripods of any kind are not permitted without consent. 
    • You are not permitted to take photos or videos in-club to promote your or any third party’s business, products, or services. 
    • Mayfair Clubs reserves the right to ask you to remove any online content that does not align with club etiquette. 
    • Mayfair Clubs reserves the right to withhold or restrict photo and/or video production and privileges. 

Health and Safety 

Our primary focus is the health and safety of our Staff, Contractors, Members, and the communities we serve. We are committed to ensuring that you have a safe place to pursue your fitness goals comfortably and confidently. Our Occupational Health and Safety, Club Inspection and Critical Response Programs ensure we deliver the highest standards of health and safety across all our spaces and places.

What this means in our Clubs: 

  • We put your health and safety first when making policy decisions.
  • Equipment and facilities are checked regularly, and repairs or replacements are made as quickly as possible.
  • All our Clubs are equipped with automated external defibrillators (AEDs) for use in emergency situations, and CPR-A + AED training is required for Staff.
  • Associates are required to self-assess for the absence of illness prior to entering the workplace.

How you can do your part: 

  • Take personal health and safety measures that help you feel comfortable in our Clubs.
  • Stay home if you are feeling unwell.
  • Wipe down equipment before and after each use.
  • Report any issues with equipment to our General Managers.
  • Respect the privacy and safety of others by following the Photo, Video and Mobile Device policy.
  • To avoid tripping hazards, keep your bags in a locker and off the courts, pool, workout or studio floors.
  • Always follow our Club Etiquette and Policies. This includes but is not limited to, Tennis, Squash, Multi-Gym, Kidspace, Lane Swimming and Swimming Pool policies posted within our Mayfair Member app.

Mayfair Clubs Member Code of Conduct

The intention of this document is to establish clear and acceptable behavior expectations for Mayfair Clubs members, guests, and employees. It is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone but rather to ensure that all members, guests, and employees can expect to be treated with dignity and respect while visiting or working at any Mayfair Clubs location. 

Code of Conduct Rules 

Only members and guests in good standing are entitled to use the Club. The rights of any member to the privileges of the Club shall coexist with the period of his or her membership. The Club deems that all members upon election to the Club have given their consent to be bound by the by-laws and rules of the Club; both to the restrictions and the penalties imposed. 

Board of Directors / Committees 

The Board of Directors, the Management of the club, and the various volunteer committees appointed by the Board may deal with matters pertaining to the conduct of the members, shareholders, operations, and employees. 

Code of Conduct 

Any member, family member or guest of a member, whose conduct Mayfair Clubs’ Management considers improper, offensive, or likely to endanger the welfare, safety, harmony or good reputation of the Club or its members may be reprimanded, suspended, or expelled from the Club by the Management. The Club’s Management will be the sole judge of what constitutes improper conduct or conduct likely to endanger the health, safety, welfare, harmony or good reputation of the Club or its members. 

Management of Mayfair Clubs may suspend or terminate a member, if it is determined that the member: 

  • Submitted false information on the application for membership. 
  • Exhibited unsatisfactory behavior, conduct or appearance. 
  • Failed to pay dues, fees, or club accounts in a timely manner. 
  • Failed to abide by the rules & regulations, as set forth for the use of the Club’s facilities. 
  • Treated the Club’s personnel, employees or any of the Club’s partners or representatives in an unacceptable or abusive manner. 
  • Failed to meet and maintain eligibility for membership pursuant to the application. 
  • Permitted use of their Club Account by an unauthorized person 

All members and players will NOT: 

  • Conduct themselves in an un-sportsmanlike manner and knowingly cheat, throw clubs, disrespect volunteers, officials, or fellow competitors. 
  • Disregard play etiquette  
  • Use or have an association with illegal drugs anywhere on the Club premises. 
  • Physically threaten, slander, or verbally abuse others. 
  • Have cell phones switched on disrupting play? 
  • Ignore any rules prescribed annually by the Board of Directors 

Should you be involved in, or should you observe any breaches of the above, the following procedure will/should be followed: 

  • Fill out an incident report form – available at the front desk. 
  • The General Manager will contact the involved Member(s) for review. 
  • The Club will solicit appropriate Committee Chairs for input and feedback with regards to disciplinary action 
  • A member will be notified of any disciplinary action and given an opportunity to show cause why the Club Management should not discipline the member according to these rules. If the member desires a hearing a written request for a hearing must be submitted to the General Manager within five (5) days after receipt of the Club’s notice to them. Upon receiving a written request for a hearing, the Club will set the time and date within five (5) days of the request. 

The Club will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors for any offences that require formal disciplinary action, up to and including suspension of privileges, the involvement of legal authority and/or expulsion as detailed in the By-Laws. 

While the Club considers the complaint, the members will enjoy all membership privileges to which it is entitled prior to the complaint. 

Notwithstanding suspension or termination of membership, the member will remain liable for any accounts unpaid or due Mayfair Clubs. Such a member will not be entitled to a refund of any part of the dues and fees paid by the member to the Club. 

Inclusive Space

At Mayfair Clubs, we are dedicated to creating an inclusive space for all, and an environment where everyone feels safe and welcome. 

We expect everyone who engages with Mayfair Clubs, in any of our spaces – live or digital – to behave in a caring and respectful manner. Any form of bullying, discrimination, harassment, intimidation, illegal behaviours or interactions, violence, or any behaviour that creates an unsafe or hostile environment, is not tolerated. 

What this means in our Clubs: 

  • Mayfair Clubs is a no-judgment and safe environment – we are committed to providing a comfortable, supportive, and welcoming environment for everyone. 
  • We are guided by our commitment to demonstrate caring in all situations. 
  • Members exhibiting harmful or illegal behaviour in our Clubs will be subject to disciplinary action, including up to a lifetime ban from all Mayfair Clubs locations. 
  • Members exhibiting harmful behaviour on our social media channels may have their comments deleted, be blocked from engaging with our channels and may be subject to the same disciplinary action as someone in our physical locations. 

How you can do your part: 

  • Follow all Mayfair Clubs policies, and ensure you are not taking part in illegal or harmful behaviours. 
  • Be polite and courteous in all interactions with others – differences of opinions are permitted; however, respect is mandatory. 
  • Observe and be respectful of the personal space and experience of others. 
  • Be mindful of Club hours and ensure you have enough time to leave the Club at or before the closing time. 
  • If you see another Member exhibiting harmful, illegal, or disrespectful behaviour, please notify a Mayfair Clubs General Manager.