Get Started with a Trainer
This Personal Training program is laser-focused on enhancing your strength, stability, and endurance as you engage in the sport of Pickleball. Our expert teams understand the unique demands of pickleball and can customize a fitness training plan that will help to reduce injuries and keep you full of energy this season.
What Does a Session Entail?
Our Personal Trainers will work with you to create a customized training program that will include cardio, stretching and weight training. Our trainers will communicate with our Pickleball Pros to determine the areas where you need to improve, identify the common injuries or pains that you’ve experienced while playing, and will work together to develop a plan that will keep you on court with better performance.
How to Get Started
Get in touch with one of our Fitness Managers and they can get you started on a 3 one-hour session training program tailored to your specific tennis needs.
- Cost is $225+HST per package with Personal Trainer.
- Cost is $285+HST per package with Master Trainer.
Disclaimer: One package, per year, per member. For Platinum members only. Packages and session length can be specialized for specific needs.
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