We chose to spotlight Mayfair Parkway member, Lauren Binstock for our August Member Spotlight.
Lauren has been a member at Mayfair Parkway, along with her husband, Aaron since January 2020. As Mayfair Fitness Members, they train in the gym, attend fitness classes, use the pool, and enjoy treatments in our Wellness Spa and Sports Clinics.
Lauren’s Background
Lauren has always been an advocate for people with disabilities. Previously, she worked in physical rehabilitation for people with stroke, Parkinson’s and MS (multiple sclerosis). Growing up, her father had a spinal cord injury, so she’s always been passionate about helping other people with disabilities.
Lauren works as an After Stroke Coordinator for March of Dimes Canada, providing community navigation for people affected by stroke for York and Peel Regions. Lauren and her fellow After Stroke Coordinators provide this service in many provinces across Canada.
March of Dimes Canada is a leading national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability, and creating real change that will help the more than six million people living with disabilities across the country unlock the richness of their lives.
In recognition of Stroke Awareness Month in June, Lauren participated in the annual Step Up for Stroke fundraiser, where she personally raised $1,400. Fundraising for this event will remain open until September 6th, 2022. All proceeds will go towards the After Stroke program. Together, we can improve the lives of stroke survivors, caregivers, and their families across the country.
What is a Stroke?
A stroke happens when blood flow to your brain is stopped. It is an emergency situation. It can be caused by a narrowed blood vessel, bleeding, or a clot that blocks blood flow. Symptoms can happen suddenly.
More than 62,000 people in Canada have a stroke every year, with 405,000 currently living with the effects. It’s a life-changing event that profoundly impacts the survivor, their caregivers, and the people closest to them. Stroke can affect anyone at any age and from any background.
Be Fast with Getting Help
BE FAST is an easy way to remember the signs of a stroke. When you see these signs, you will know that you need to call 911 and BE FAST:
B – Balance, you notice someone is struggling with their balance or walking
E– Eye Sight, sudden onset of blurred vision or double vision
F– Face, if you notice that one side of someone’s face is drooping
A– Arm, make sure someone can lift their arms to the same height
S– Speech, someone is slurring their speech or they are a little bit incoherent or not making sense
T– Time, call the ambulance and get someone medical attention as fast as possible with any of these signs
Why Fitness is Good for Stroke Prevention and Recovery
The better physical shape you are in prior to any injury, illness, or disease, the better you off you will be. Being physically active helps with maintaining blood pressure, as well as cardiovascular health. In the event that you do happen to suffer from stroke, being physically fit will help in terms of your recovery and the speed of that recovery.
Watch Lauren’s Interview
Check out her interview below and learn more about Lauren and the work she’s doing for the March of Dimes.
Where to Find More Information
Find more information about stroke on the Heart and Stroke website. A great resource is the booklet called My Stroke Journey. If you know anyone who’s been affected by stroke you can self refer to our March of Dimes After Stroke Program on our website: www.afterstroke.ca
Content Disclaimer
This blog post is for general information only. It does not replace a diagnosis or medical advice from a health care professional who has examined you and understands your unique needs. Please speak with your doctor to see if this content is suitable for your situation.

Mayfair Clubs
Mayfair Clubs (www.mayfairclubs.com) is a modern sports club with four locations in Toronto, Canada.
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