Member Spotlight – Yvonne Johnson

We chose to spotlight Mayfair Lakeshore Member, Yvonne Johnson because of her positive attitude and dedication to her fitness. 

“Yvonne is a dedicated Aqua Fit participant, who has been attending classes for over 14 years.  Yvonne attends each class with an infectious positive attitude, works hard, and pushes her body to the limit.  Yvonne is a great example for everyone around her and she has been a joy to have in the pool.”

Photo of long time member Yvonne Johnson in the Lakeshore swimming pool area.

Introducing Yvonne!

Yvonne is 87 years young. She has been married to her husband for 68 years and she is a mother of 4 kids, 2 girls and 2 boys, a grandmother to 8 and a great-grandmother to another 8. She was very young when she started her family – only 19 years of age! It wasn’t until she was 30 years old, with her first child then 6, that she decided to go back to school to obtain her degree in Social Work. Upon graduation, she worked for 17 years at the Children’s Aid Society and then spent another 8 years as the Director of Public Relations at the Institution for the Prevention of Child Abuse. She helped to train and educate those working with children to identify the signs of abuse in children. 

When she retired, she took a volunteer position at St. Michael’s hospital helping to provide support to patients receiving chemotherapy treatment. She was there for over a decade and became head of her unit of volunteers at the hospital. She loved the role as it gave her a chance to give back to people needing it most.

Her Fitness Journey

To keep fit, Yvonne has always been a big fan of both swimming and walking. When she was younger and still working, she would start her day doing 40-50 lengths in the pool before work. Later in life, she took up walking and continues to do a 3km walk with her husband every day.

Yvonne has been a dedicated Fitness member at Mayfair Lakeshore for the past 18 years and is a huge fan of our Aquafit program. Diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis, she finds the workout she gets in our 1 hour Aquafit classes is a great option as it allows her to exercise without added stress on her joints.

“Aquafit fit is so good for your body. The resistance you get submerged in the water is excellent and so good for upper arm strength. It helps keep my “batwings” in check! I also don’t have to worry about falling. At my age, having a fall can be very serious. Exercising in the pool is a great, safe way for me to keep active & fit.”

Before the Pandemic, Yvonne would attend 4-5 Aquafit classes a week. Now, with the restrictions due to COVID and schedule changes, she is coming 3 times a week. She especially loves the class with Jonathan and Corinne.

“Mayfair Lakeshore is the best Club around. It’s so clean and the convenience of the other amenities like the bistro is so nice. The health and safety procedures around COVID have been excellent. I feel very safe coming here.”

Yvonne travels a lot with her husband and Italy is one of her favourite places. However – she continually finds that her favourite swimming spot is at Mayfair Clubs.

If you’d like to learn more about getting started with one of our Aquafit classes, please email Jon at for more info.

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